Show Lineup: SOUL GLO, ZULU, & PLAYYTIME (opener) Genre(s): Hardcore Venue: Rebel Lounge, Phoenix AZ Date: 9/17/23 Description:
"ppl gonna look back and be so mad they werent there" - @soulglophl on Instagram
I've spent the past few weeks pandering to everyone in KAMP that they HAD to come to this show, parroting the band's quote here without realizing it. Hearing SOUL GLO live last summer when they opened for Show Me the Body in Tucson was the moment that hardcore music "clicked" for me and became my new favorite thing. I've attended and performed in hundreds of shows over the years across so many genres and absolutely nothing compares to the energy at the shows these guys put on. Coincidentally, ZULU (@blackpowerviolence) also opened for Show Me the Body in Tucson less than a year after their prior show here - seeing the tour announcement that had them on the same bill sold me instantly.
The crowd at this show wasted no time before moshing, starting from (literally) the first note of PLAYYTIME's opening set and going strong for the next two hours without letting up. The video above is the only one I was able to get from SOUL GLO's set; I was too busy enjoying the chaos and getting thrown around. They played all their best hits: Gold Chain Punk, Jump!!, Coming Correct is Cheaper, and their newest single release, If I Speak (9/15/23 © Epitaph). ZULU came on last and kept the madness going with tracks from their 2023 album A New Tomorrow (3/3/23 © Flatspot Records); by the end of the show, people were stage diving, crowd surfing, and hanging from the ceiling:
This show was incredible and I'm glad that my incessant marketing and trying to get other people to go paid off; one KAMPer in attendance said they had never been to a hardcore show before, and they got right into the action and really enjoyed themselves. I can't wait to see either of these bands live again.
I also want to take a moment here to shout out the staff at the Rebel Lounge for putting on a great environment for this show! The A/C was blasting (thank you!), there were two places to get free ice-cold water (thank you x2!), and the venue's security did a great job in the pit making sure everyone was safe. And, when people inevitably did start climbing on the ceiling, instead of immediately pulling them down, security just made sure they had a safe landing and people there to catch them.
Reviewer Name: Johnathan Frew
Date of Review: 9/18/23