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"Nowhere, USA" by Supergold

Xander Newman

Album: Nowhere, USA

Artist: Supergold

Label: Supergold Records

Non-Airable Tracks: N/A

2021 was a very unique year, we were still in the thick of the covid-19 pandemic, I was still getting used to high school, and Supergold released "Nowhere, USA" (though I wouldn't start listening to them until I heard their most popular single "American Way" on Instagram).

Supergold was founded in December of 2017 in my home state of Florida and released their first single "Moneylover" in September of 2018. From 2018 to 2020 they released a total of 8 songs before dropping their first album "Nowhere, USA" in 2021, after "Nowhere, USA" they began consistently releasing new singles with 7 in 2022, 24 in 2023, and 13 so far in 2024. The ball is rolling with no sign of slowing down and I am here for it all the way.

Nowhere, USA has 9 tracks (four which were previously released as singles) and runs at 32 minutes and 21 seconds. The whole album flows well and has a pretty consistent tone and feeling not to say the songs sound alike rather they have the same vibe and similar guitar and vocals, though not too similar to the point its repetitive.

The vocals and instrumentation are fantastic throughout the whole the album and give it a dreamlike and almost nostalgic feeling at times. Frontman Alex Alston's vocals really make this album stand out especially in combination with the guitar, they both give Supergold a very unique and recognizable sound. The other instruments mostly are backing but add a depth that makes the whole thing stick together. Some songs (most notably Blade Runner) feature prominent synth elements that add a retro note to this undeniably 2020s album that I think really works.

The subject matter of a lot of Supergold songs tend to be relationships, angst, and politics but done in a not overtly edgy or in your face way, "Nowhere, USA" doesn't feature much explicitly political messaging like some of their more recent singles but does cover topics regarding relationships, frustration, and general contemplative though. I remember really associating with a lot of the songs on this album when I first heard it last year and I feel like that is part of what makes this album as good as it is, being able to associate with the songs and feelings they portray. I think a big part of what can make this album relatable is that it's very genuine and very real, it is very raw and emotional in a time where the prevailing online culture is one of cynical irony.

This album is a great introduction to Supergold as a whole and if you enjoy it you should check out their singles and keep an eye on their work because they are still active and releasing new material on a pretty regular basis.

Track Listing:

  1. Fast Times

  2. Halloween Forever

  3. Everything Looks Better In The Daylight

  4. Blade Runner

  5. Mad Mad Man

  6. Liquor

  7. Moneylover

  8. So Cold

  9. Nowhere, USA

Recommended Tracks:

  1. Everything Looks Better In The Daylight

  2. ​Blade Runner

  3. Liquor

  4. Moneylover

Reviewer’s Name: Xander Newman

Date of Review: 11/18/2024

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