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Aqueous- Color Wheel

Album: Color Wheel

Artist: Aqueous

Genre: World and Jazz

Sub-Genres: Alt, #GrooveRock?

Label: Self release

Non-Airable Tracks: NONE


First of all… not a fan. But Aqueous, a Buffalo originated band formed in 2006, is out with their new album Color Wheel and it is an album. It’s very dreamy 70s sounding to me. It borders on the line of Jazz and Alt and gets lost there. The vocals are not impressive and they all sound almost the same in every song. They rely heavily on their guitar and the weird sounds in the background. Most of the songs have an intro that seems like it leads up to something but then the build up gets killed. In general all the songs sound kind of trippy and I’m not really sure the occasion for listening. The happy chill vibe of it kind of upsets me because I didn’t want to listen to it long enough to find out if there was actually melody in the song. But I will say that whatever you think a color wheel sounds like, it definitely sounds like that or maybe the soundtrack to a failed animated show about toys. Also the songs are on average about 6 minutes or more. But hey! maybe other people like it?

Sounds Like: Dent May

Recommended Tracks: 

  1. 8 – “Weight of the Word”- Down for the horns, very 70s, better than the other songs

Reviewer’s Name: Natty Trujillo

Date of Review: 10/14/2018

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